Saturday 9 May 2020

Three mistakes to avoid before selecting a wedding barn

We can say that with the growing demands of a barn wedding, most of the farm owners have turned their farmlands into wedding venues to earn some extra cash. With multiple wedding barns popping across Alberta, couples get bombarded with numerous venue options that sit right across their budget and have all the necessary perks they desire.

But some major pitfalls come along with hustle-free selection. Here is the list of top three mistakes you must avoid before selecting the barn.

1- Avoid illegal barns:

You can avoid illegal barns by simply verifying its operating pattern. If the land is operating under proper local land use law, then you do not have to worry about it. You can investigate the details with the owner before booking the dates.

2- Avoid noisy surrounding:

One of the main reasons people choose Country wedding barn in Central Alberta is to get away from the hustle of the city. So, while selecting a barn, make sure that the nearby surrounding does not have a rail track, busy highway or crazy neighbourhood.

3- Avoid barns with no AC/Heating system:

Naturally, a barn might get humid with multiple people around or may feel stone-cold during winter seasons. So, make sure to choose a barn that has a temperature-controlled surrounding to avoid sweaty stinks or hypothermia.

Bottom line

Just remember these tips and select the best country wedding barn in Central Alberta. Also, we guess Sweet Haven Barn might be the right option for you if you prefer a timeless yet charming barn venue.

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