Thursday 10 June 2021

Three things to take care of when Decorating a Barn for a Wedding

More and more people are opting for Country Wedding Barns in Central Alberta to consummate their special day. However, it is wise to note that barns are like blank canvases, meaning you need to be extra careful when decorating them.

So, today we will take a look at some of the things that you must take extra care of when decorating the barn for your wedding.

1-Don’t forget the outdoors: Barns have huge outdoors that prove useful for photoshoots and other things. So, ensure the outdoor decoration includes:

Grooming the lawns or fields
Cleaning the extra amenities or add-ons like gazebos, animal barns, etc.
Placing tents on spaces that will be used later in the day.
Staking hays, etc.

2-Focus on lighting: Barns can be dark if they aren’t lit properly. So, take care of the lighting to convert them into a romantic setting for the wedding.

Use electric candles on the window ledges, tables as well as in the wall sconces. Decorate the beams too. Hang lanterns and opt for tall torches on the barn’s edge.

3-Walls are a must too: Lastly, don’t forget the walls. Use quilts or fabric artworks. Add integrated accents on saddles and harnesses. Drape the beams, pillars and ledges with lights, tulles or ribbons.

Signing Off
Country Wedding Barns in Central Alberta can be huge and have multiple aspects to them. So, no matter how busy you get with the preparation, never forget these three things when decorating the barn.

For more details about Barn Wedding Venue in Alberta Please visit our website:


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